Визу в Россию для родственников from Lithuania can be executed at the regional AFMS. This will require to begin clearance of the invitation. Unlike other countries, between Lithuania and Russia signed international agreement that the Russians and Lithuanians have the right to invite their relatives for one year (365 days), not 90 days like the rest of the country.
Invitation done within 30 days (no less).
state duty for him is 500rubley in October 2010.
list required for its processing of documents can be viewed here www.fmsmoscow.ru / prigl.php
After issuing the invitations you send his cousin, who goes with him to the Russian embassy in Lithuania. Depending on the date in the invitation, they apply for the visa, we have, it took 5 days, the exact minimum time did not recognize. Issued a visa after the 14-00 day before the date specified in the invitation. is 500 LTL is fun or about 210 dollars, WARNING - Russian embassy will only accept the dollar equivalent! (Yes in the country of the European Union Russian embassy is working in U.S. ......).
The list is not specified yet very important document- certificate confirming the absence of HIV infection . We have been doing in Russia, so guess if it draw in Lithuania, the request a notarized translation into Russian.
The site is loaded sample letter of guarantee for individuals, so here it is:
Head office district ............
Division of FMS of Russia in Moscow in the SPECIFY COUNTY (approx NEAD)
Lieutenant Colonel Police name (here, indicated the head of the Federal Migration Service)
Letter of Guarantee
I ask permission for registration of private visa in Russian Federation for a period of 365 days citizen of the Republic of Lithuania Name born , national passport № valid until date.
Purpose Trip-private.
In accordance with paragraph 5 of page 16 of the Federal Law "On Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" from 25.07.2002, № 115-FZ and the Russian Federation Government from 24.03.2003 years № 167 "On the order of guarantees of financial, medical and housing ensure foreign nationals and stateless persons for the period of their stay in the Russian Federation "pledge to enforce the rules of residence and is ready to bear all the financial and medical expenses related to his stay, movements and departures in time for the Russian Federation.
In the case of administrative expulsion or deportation of all the expenses myself to.
undertake to the arrival of the invited person to the Russian Federation in 3 days in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation to ensure registration in the internal affairs bodies.
date подпись