Thursday, September 30, 2010
How Often Should I Wax My Surfboard
How many information and how long to wait .... and happy And Scaring The Same Time:) I decide not to translate the LITHUANIAN any more, I think it's just nice to translate it in mind and post here, but not ourselves it on the PC. Also I could return anytime to the subject that I found interesting!
too lazy to write. Will better watch TV: D
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Name 5 Abiotic About Great White Shark
Violet Agurkytė
Stores Advises "Catherine" Margaret Head Jacinienė
During the first trimester of lingerie on the shelf of great changes (изменения) will not . But then the new lower may be required.
■ advised pregnant (целесообразно) out (отказаться) panty with a narrow band (strings), even if they are more natural fiber because it can cause irritation (раздражать) became sensitive skin and mucous membranes. Begin inflammation. It is better to wear (носить) cotton pants, waiting for baby abundant vaginal discharge and natural fibers absorb them better. If those pants you have to travel during the first month in the lingerie shop is required. ■ When
belly starts to grow rapidly, it is advisable to purchase cotton panties šimtaprocentės with a higher waist. If you want a better seal, you can choose and such that the tissue is more than one per cent elastane. ■
mid-pregnancy, or when a significant increase in belly, talk to a gynecologist charge of pregnancy, what to buy specifically for pregnant women or a corset belt, it is better prilaikytų belly. Pharmacies or for children and pregnant women clothing stores marketed in a number of manufacturers belts. Narrower, broader, different sizes, made of elastic material (the gum). Some of them focus on the whole baby bump, while others only restrained by the lower body of his. Which to choose depends on ball size and shape. The belt pack is the size, in addition to all of them are made so as to be able to change the volume.
■ If synthetic bras irritate the skin until the breast is not increased, and they will fit. But the normal increase in body weight may become, will need to purchase new ones. Future mother's bra generally acquired through normal lingerie stores, specialized stores, although available tailored specifically for pregnant women.
■ Too much to spend to buy a luxury bras and hardly worth it, since the return of normal birth weight of her body can no longer apply. Pregnant women it is advisable to buy some liberalization of the cotton, wider shoulder straps and the option to increase the volume, ie, with an opening 3-4 positions (an increase in the volume of the chest do not look for a new bra).
■ Approximately 36 weeks of pregnancy it is advisable to buy a special breast-feeding for 2-3 bras. A couple of them to be transported to the hospital. Sometimes women and translates the hospital without their purchases at a later date. But given birth to the shops are run time and the rush to acquire offensive. ■
bras for breastfeeding mothers baby, come in various models with front hook and hoop fasteners of the cups (or bowls unhook at shoulder straps). Most importantly, to natural fibers, since the synthetic nipple cracks may occur. According to M. Jacinienės, women tend to buy bras, atsisegamas on the shoulder straps, and choose the color according to season: summer - white, pastel, and in winter - dark, brown or black. A very popular soft-knitted bras. These usually worn at night (during the first month of breast self-married a little milk, it may become wet t-shirts, so wear appropriate bra, adding our special pads). Soft bras are very comfortable: a good fit and not pressing, because the cups varies according to breast volume.
first Wear cotton underwear above the waist.
second Get a freer cotton bra straps wider and with an opening 3-4 positions.
first Buy nursing bras 2-3 from natural fibers. One firm, for night.
Quote: "It is advisable to refuse panty with a narrow band (strings), even if they are more natural fibers"
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sore Throat Pregnancy, Labour
Rome Macijauskaite
him yet can take on your hands, cuddle, kiss. It still grows in your heart. But you already know: he will hear, understand, feel.
Advises Sarah Kerulytė-Reys, early music education studio Amus "Head (Tel. 8-610 06560)
to chat (obshatsya) sense of the future baby (imeet smysl) as soon as you become aware of the pregnancy. While the establishment of just life, baby still can not hear, paying attention to his mom will not only a lot of fun but also benefits. This will allow a woman to feel that she is Mommy, will strengthen the (ukrepljat) and her baby call (svjaz). Kid can talk to him sing, play, read in conjunction with the ball "to listen to music and so on.
working with pregnant music teacher recommends reform (preobrazovat) daily routine so that there time several times a day to stay in one of two forthcoming baby. Advised to "ball" for (udelit) time in the morning, afternoon, late afternoon and evening. The most important time for the baby after 24 weeks of pregnancy, you have heard environmental sounds and responds to them. Little need to communicate when sleep is awake (not spit).
For ten years, pregnant women and infants with working in early music education is here a study suggests pregnant contacts with the ball. "
Morning. Pasisveikinama with the baby. Flattering tummy pronounced: "Good morning" padainuojama simple song, which conveys warm feelings and good wishes for the day, for example. "Good morning, sun ray, good morning, my tiny.
afternoon. Lessons time. This rhythm exercises, when besilaukiančioji playing musical instruments: glockenspiel, little pipe, xylophones (similar to a glockenspiel instrument with wooden plates), bell, drum, zither, guitar, piano. And can sing. The more tools the more timbres you hear a kid. Thus, develop baby's hearing. Lessons last from several minutes to half an hour. Workshop recommended completion of listening to quiet classical music. Rest during a woman, and the baby quiet.
afternoon snack. rest time. When a woman has a little tired, you can listen to music. It is advisable to choose a different genre of music to listen to the afternoon. Pregnant women would be nice and helpful to lie down to listen to šniokščia sea ošia forest, dolphins released sounds. It is also good for the baby. By the way, the moment a woman can draw what you feel, pour out the feelings. Or you can write a letter to the baby, blog. This is another way to increase the mother and baby relationship.
West. Readings and lullabies. When mommy ready for rest, lie down, it is recommended that kids read, what fun. Specialists offer the book to turn to poetic tales, poems, poems. After all rows suguldytas reads it to music. Eg. The evening perfect numerical for Kostas Kubilinskas row. After the fairy tale lullaby sung.
Daddy Father ROLE
role pending the baby's very big. And all communication with the unborn baby step daddy is the best night. He can read the fairy tale ball head. When a man is difficult to communicate with the future child can read his woman. It formed my father, mother and child relationship. Care should be taken altogether, a lullaby every night at the same time: over time, tapping the baby belongs to ask him attention.
Talk with children and the importance of touch. Glostomas ball residents feel safe, loved and welcome. Eventually touch response. WHAT
pregnant women around quite a lot of music: cars, houses, shops, offices. This is a great man like me the next load. Moreover, not all the music is useful, enjoyable and educative. The researchers, educators recommend listening to classical music: Mozart, Handel, Vivaldi and others. composers. It may be that the future mother is a hardened rock fan, and it makes a classic sense of fulfillment. Woman's emotional state is directly and baby, so you should not do violence to ourselves. Would you like to listen to rock, let. Only it is advisable to avoid excessive sound, loud music and concerts to refuse. Oscillation frequencies, a certain level of sound affects the future well-being and health of the baby may affect any pregnancy. It is important to feel the baby responds to his mother listening to music. If you do not like, it shows active movements. Silent calm music emits vibrations, which are like micro-baby, helping to develop well.
birth of music, often listened to a pregnant woman, the birth of baby works wonders. Scientists have known that prenatal memory, the little one remembers what his mother had heard as a ball. Therefore, having heard the work of a regular mom listened to, baby calms down, the spindle by listening. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE
Sarah Kerulytė - Reys, 9 Caspar and three weeks. Gabriel Mother:
"When laukiausi Caspar, Lithuania at that time nobody was not interested in how to communicate with her mother to unborn baby. Studied at the Academy of Music and wanted to check if my theory is read effects. Both laukdamasi Caspar, and Gabriel to sing, listen to Vivaldi works, especially "Seasons" (vyresnėlis even playing this piece was born in maternity homes). Academy of the binding order had to listen to the power of works and clearly felt that threatened the baby. Some understand that the music obsessed baby, belly covered their pillow. I am to calculate tips for pregnant women to attach headphones to the abdomen, thereby allowing the baby to listen to music. Unfortunately, some do not agree, it's not natural for a woman nesukontroliuos, or music played too loud.
And I can tell you that all communication with the ball located in the baby theory is confirmed by a pregnancy before the age of fairy tales and lullabies for baby tummy bumbsėti also used, and listen to hear ur music and quiet. Kaspar heard remembered tunes, lullabies, read fairy tales. The fact that they have excellent hearing - is also a definite communication with the "ball" fruits. Most importantly, the mutual relationship and my firstborn. I hope the same will be strong and Gabriel. "
first Talk to the unborn baby to improve its development - both mental and physical. Baby mature faster, are more gifted, pays more to adapt, the more confident people, more mature teens, growing up feeling very strong bond with her mother.
second It is noted that women who are communicating with the unborn baby, the more confident you are calmer, payable to relax, manage their feelings.
third During pregnancy, create drawings, letters, songs for his mother's records can be an excellent gift for a child užaugusiam.
4th Studies have shown that women who frequently visited laukdamosi noisy parties, lived near the airport, railway and so on. and babies have been damaged or hearing, they grew close.
5th Advised not to talk a child while the child is to establish a dialogue with him. Eventually it will necessarily respond.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Got Chest Infection While On Flucloxacillin
Have you ever wondered what teplioja swastika on Jewish homes?
student complained žydelka the police, something that respects the swastika on its home country of residence. Police responded seriously - has built a secret surveillance camera. And what do you think? And do paišytoja proved much the same žydelka!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Tally Migration Error Messages
emotions do not you are located irritable and angry? After drinking you feel bad? Do you think that the advice of doctors to lose 50 kilograms overweight violates your human rights? The engine of your car įsipylėte XADO mess and believe that the fuel consumption then decreased by 70%? Want to buy flax seed, but do not dare no quack prescription? Or maybe you just are not the place for $ 150?
If any of these questions answered yes, you should be sure to check the health of vegetatively-resonance method, commonly known as:
After paying $ 150 for Vega test will receive a piece of paper with some 5 low-risk disease sąrašėliu. But do not think that the $ 150 you get just one piece of paper! Experienced mulkinimo egzpertai - Vega testers you the page without any additional charge apklijuos still leaves the recommended amounts of vitamins and nutritional supplements all kinds of advertising!
How To Make A Medussa Wig
Catfish / sole / Pang recently appeared in the European market. For its price it has many Accessible. Sold frozen fillet exports from Vietnam are most often used cooked. This fish originates from South America (Peru), where he was bred for technical reasons. Fish meal was fed to cattle or used as fertilizer in agriculture. People food is not allowed use.
many countries in North America and Europe do not eat the fish. Catfish is full of poison, bacteria, heavy metals, hormones. This is because the Mekong River (Vietnam), where most farmed fish, this is one of the most polluted rivers on the planet. The Mekong falls untreated water from chemical and leather industries, sewage, chemical fertilizers from the fields. Frozen fish is used in the same river water. In order to accelerate fish growth rate (up to four times) in China brought specific hormones. Some hormones that are entered into a fish - organizamą females. Hormonal composition is classified. And despite the product quality control inspection requirement, the manufacturers refuse to provide information about the composition of these hormones.
Due to the relatively low prices - the main consumers of this fish is a middle-and lower-income people. It is noted that the fish and its products use may lead to liver and internal organ damage, blood diseases. On the sale of insurance in most European countries, Canada, America, unscrupulous businessmen are making the fish in the so-called "crab sticks and other culinary fish products. You should therefore carefully consider buying the product label, the presence of these fish. If, however, have found - it is recommended to refuse to buy such a product.
Catfish are dangerous to your health! The French even made a documentary film:
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Secure Mirror Leaning
The convivial occasion let us listen Jewish songs. To be able to understand the text, good people wrote subtitles:
Žydošventėje paporino friend visited an interesting story about Jewish morality. One visit to the Jewish school apprentice told what to learn Torah pamokėlėje. Children had to solve a moral here uždavinuką:
mother with a child lost in the wilderness. It has pasiėmusį bottle with water. Bottle small enough Todes the only one the other is doomed to die. Divisions - water nebeužtektų none survive.
question - which one should drink water, condemning the other to die of thirst? And why?
Žydoatsakymas: bottle of his mother, so it does not share with anyone.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Bloons Pack 3 Walk Through
Just look at the picture you can see subtle cultural taste and presentation of photos over the Internet directly reflects the deep knowledge of information technology.
of thought and forms of grace to learn not only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Department of Tourism, and even hang smirdančiomis beige burzgiančiomis Lithuania photographing Marius Jovaiša and team!
Thank you, Happiness, for a sincere concern for the image of Lithuania!