power electronic [ 10 ]
Russian IT-market with enthusiasm by the steps the country's leadership to enhance the process e-government. Technology for such systems have long gained, the main obstacle to their implementation - an unfriendly disposition bureaucracy
P leave on account of a car by e-mail, obtain a passport through the Internet or to make a senior official in his claims
result of angry criticism in the recent appearance in the Ministry of Communications Action Plan "for the transition to the execution of public functions in electronic form. Under this plan, already in 2011, citizens will be able to receive from the government in electronic form more than 70 services. Traffic Police, the Federal Migration Service, the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund, other ministries and agencies should enable citizens to not push them in the hallways, as quickly and easily obtain information and documents directly from your home computer (see Table 1 ).
Behind Costa Rica
In the world of the elements e-Government is actively developing for many years. In some European countries via the Internet can make out a broad list of certificates, licenses, benefits, not visiting in person or that department. Also in developed countries implement the various forms of electronic participation in elections, is widely common chat rooms and forums where voters online communicate with the authorities.
Oddly enough, in Russia too long ago history of the creation of mechanisms of electronic government. The fact that the citizens via the Internet will soon be communicating with the authorities, the developers have stated loudly program "Electronic Russia" in 2002. But it should be recognized that since a tangible result to be achieved.
Yes, there are some examples successful development. One of the most revealing is the establishment of an electronic system remote delivery of documents to the tax authorities, which currently used by hundreds of thousands of entities. Many departments on their own initiative created the so-called electronic receivers (eg, This service is
But such examples - It is rather isolated cases. In general, the situation with the creation of mechanisms for e-government in Russia deplorable. According to a recent Russian Research Institute of the Information Society (IIS), today state institutions can not cope with the provision of even basic information to its citizens. So, the place of reception of citizens are Table 2 ).
At low indicators of public electronic services in Russia show and authoritative international organization. According to the latest survey carried out UN study (United Nations Table 3 ). It is noteworthy that in 2005 Russia's rating was significantly higher - it took 50 th place.
Bureaucratic resistance
close attention to the mechanisms of electron Governments around the world is not accidental. It was the introduction of modern information technologies in public services can lead them to a fundamentally new level. "By our estimates, approximately 10 percent of public services in Russia today can get out of the house on the internet - says Lyudmila Ablamskaya of FORS - Development Center. - These include the receipt of any archival information, do not require personal information extracts from the register of rights to immovable property, and many others. In the same way can be addressed questions of registration of passports, visas, residence registration ".
«In essence, the state - this is a service organization that serves the country's population - has evolved thought Tagir Yapparov , CEO of IT. " - And it is in service organizations implement
However, plans to introduce new electronic services already in 2011, market participants are called fantastic. "In seven years here few have managed to do that, and all for one and a half years is expected to provide a very extensive list of electronic services ", - says Tagir Yapparov. However, he notes, "as it is in our case in Russia, it is often avralnye practices lead to meaningful results. "
addition to compressed timeframes, market participants point to other problems of implementation e-Government in Russia. An important point - the lack of uniform standards development of electronic services by different government departments. On the need for appropriate work speak long, but so far in this direction there is no noticeable difference. "Until now, Time has not been developed and is not a unified architecture of e-government, which must place on record the electronic structure правительства Российской Федерации и набор руководств, политик, стандартов, технических решений», — говорится в упомянутом выше докладе Института развития информационного общества.
«Действительно, вопрос реализации информационных решений на межведомственном уровне представляет сегодня One of the main obstacles to the development of e-government in Russia - agreed Tahir Yapparov. - If, within one ministry More realistically establish, for example, electronic documents, then after there is a need to send the documentation to another Office, there are big problems, because often different government agencies use different, not combined with each other Standards and solutions. "
At the same time there is a serious failure in the regulatory framework - there is no legal basis, for example, the use of digital
«In Russia, the introduction of e-government projects greatly complicated by the high priority
Technological readiness
Meanwhile, in terms of technology readiness of the introduction of electronic public services does not present too much difficulty. Market participants indicate that by its very nature electronic public services does not differ from those decisions, which are used by commercial companies. A Russian
«In the development of e-government in Russia offers great opportunities to use
Finally, Russian companies have experience in large-scale introduction of electronic public services in other countries, especially neighboring countries. For example, a system integrator - Company
market participants note that in Kazakhstan, the realization of this project was made possible by political will of the leadership, which has been able to overcome the hidden resistance of the bureaucracy. In Russia, this project may quickly achieved if the first person executive actually will take a tougher political position.
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