www.music.lt/Sypsenele-daina-146921.html Smile warms all of us, she even wake up in the sky Rainbow, Padabinki and smiles around the world Wrap the smiles - and you'll see you then, dance clouds will suddenly jump from bullet violin will close all the flowers from the forest at night, will begin a broad bed and friendship from the start of the smiles the night near the forest, will begin a broad bed and friendship from the start smilies - Smilies will warm us all, will stop crying and even grieved Rain, Forest of sleep and ask everyone here to stay green moss trails - and you'll see you then, dance, clouds will suddenly jump from bullet, violin Of all the flowers will close the night forest, will begin a wide bed, friendship and smiles from the start of the night, near forest, will begin a broad bed and friendship from the start smiles - Smile will warm us all, and elephants and even a small sraigytę, Let all the house and turned on the lights glow in the land of smile - and you'll see you then, dance, clouds will suddenly jump from bullet violin will close all the flowers from the forest at night, begin broad bed and friendship from the start near the smiles of the night forest, will begin a broad bed and friendship from the startsmile
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Addicted Addidas Logo
Monday, December 13, 2010
Best Nintendo Ds Lite Game
Violet Regis - Your Embrace ; Твои объятия
consulting the heavens eyes Твои глаза это небо-consulting palms, ; ; Огонь твои ладони,
I like living in paradise. ; ; Я живу как в раю.
you a gift of fate, ; ; Ты подарок судьбы,
palaima amžina Tu ... ; ; Ты ты вечное блаженство ....
Maybe it is true love? ; ; Может это и есть настоящая любовь?
your lap ... I like the sky ... ; Your hugs ..... I like in heaven .....
Tik tavo glėbyje ledai nutirpsta, žodžiai burtais virsta ... Only your embrace melts the ice, the words turn into a spell .....
Tavo Embrace ... I, like the sky ... Твои объятия .... Я словно на небесах ......
Only your embrace feelings into bloom like a love song ... Только твои объятия заставят расцвести чувства, словно песня любви ....
every drop of rain ; ; Каждая капля дождя
whisper your asking ... Твой шепчуший вопрос ....
Gūdumoj winter frost, ; ; В жуткий мороз зимой,
I see your smile ... Вижу твою улыбку ....
Salto pūgos over kaitra, ; ; ; Ледяная стужа становится теплой,
Niūrūs giedre things above, ; ; Мрачный дождь проясняется,
Because it is true love! ; ; Потому что это и есть настоящая любовь!
your lap ... I like the sky ... Only your embrace
ice nutirpsta, spells words into ...
your lap ... I, like the sky ...
Only your embrace feelings into bloom like a love song ...
(your lap ...) Your Embrace ...
(your lap ...) Only in your lap! ..
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Baby Shower Good Luck Tree
All you've probably already heard about Asanžo Julian (Julian Assange) arrest in England for a rape committed in Sweden. History as well as lightened in Lithuanian mass media, but not so much the two most interesting moments.
Asanžas arrived in Sweden called the Social-Christian women's organization "The Fellowship of the invitation, to read the report of the workshop on their project WikiLeaks, who were members of the organization and continues to delight. Clearly discerning
reader is willing to ask: - What a combination debiliška? At the same time, Christians and socdemai women's organization called the "Brotherhood" - akivazdu that sane people do not become members of such organizations. Unfortunately, D. Asanžui the allegations did not, but maybe it was impressed by the opportunity to live with the inviting organization representative, a charming švedukę Anna Ardin (picture right), who openly admired him. Eg.: August 14th. in its tviteryje wrote: "Julian would like to visit Swedish crab eating fest, with what might be vacancies? ", and later, on August 15 tviteryje already extended," We are sitting outside two hours outside, and almost Naki-Salaam with the world's coolest and wisest people, it's great! "recalls Julian lived with him as raving Anna, was the late Anna and the time it was cold ...
Is Anna in this situation to contact the police for abuse? It goes without saying - no. Anna did not apply anywhere. Neither the one nor the other, nor yet the next day. She seemed all right by then pending in a few days into her house and phoned the other woman asked, or could not talk to Julian. Word by word, women discovered that Julian slept with them both. As long as Anna has been leaving for work in Stockholm, Julian visited Enčiopinge live in Sofia Wilen, which was arrived pafotografuoti Julian notice. Julian Enčiopinge liked it so much that he stayed there to sleep, as known to Sofia - Well Anna was leaving, and they sleep in one apartment he appeared to get bored ...
Feminist self-love did not survive the shock. Women come together amicably to the police and wrote a statement about ... rape. In Sweden, where the normal sexual orientation, white men have withdrawn almost all of the right turned to Julian. Therefore, he quickly ran over to England, where the "rape" the circumstances may seem to judges as they are and - amusing.
way we come to the second interesting point. Even in summer, feeling the threat posed by U.S. officials, D. Asanžas all their information available to spread torrents. The most you can download a 1.4 GB file . True - it is encrypted. Cryptographic key to Assanžo friends that it disclosed, if happen Julian Asanžui bad. Here are the most interesting "rape" case - if the judge starts to respond to an Englishman or American kuoktelėjusių feminist pressure, we will all be able to instantly know all the so far hidden from the general public WikiLeaks secret!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Disney Auditions Cruise
Some quotes:
on page 43.
Defense Council President [Field Marshal Gustav Manerheimas], a number of years he has repeatedly warned his government that Russia is playing its potential. The commander did not believe that the collective security system has a small country, but every request to improve its national defense bounces into indifference. It will still ask, "What's the benefit to spend the money to the armed forces, where there will be no war?"
p. 50.
The majority of [Finnish] own reservist wearing civilian dress, maybe with a cap badge ar diržo, kad juos galima būtų atpažinti kaip saviškius. Žygiuodavo nerangiai, prastai atlikdavo rikiuotės komandas ir menkai domėjosi galimybe kilti karinės karjeros laiptais. Dažnai rezervistai net į savo karininkus kreipdavosi vardais, ypač mūšio metu, pagarbą atiduodavo tik jausdami draugiškumą ir priklausomai nuo nuotaikos. Tačiau, maršalo akimis, ši kariuomenė vis dar laikėsi vaikiško įsitikinimo, jog nepaisant ginkluotės ir ekipuotės stygiaus, gebės apginti šalį.
52 psl.
The Finnish government was criticized for its naivety, because no one seriously believed that the rise is a big war. In considering the budget, serious debate took place, to put the money - to education and health care or defensive weapons, which most likely would already be obsolete when the time come to use it. 1936 The military has proposed to acquire anti-tank guns, but they would have cost 27 million Finnish markka; vote ended in the negative, and booking that could provide each of the six Finnish army battalion tank guns, were removed.
on page 66.
U.S. Congress has considered the Finnish envoy Prokopis HJ (HJ Procopio) the application for a loan of $ 60 million for defense purposes. While Finland may be regarded as the safest country in the world, bearing in mind that have paid their debt in the First World War, the decision to delsta 1940 In February, he finally accepted $ 30 million loan. However, it is too late to reach Finland.
At that time, U.S. Secretary of State Hull Kordel (Cordell Hull) has announced a dramatic statement: "I am strongly opposes any appropriations shall Preis, because our government will sell military material warring parties, which would be contrary to international justice."
December 10 The U.S. government spent 2.5 million in Finland. Dollars, but only in agricultural development, the civilian population and to help buy food. One congressman after a bitter decision, said: "These restrictions on [the funds could not be naudojamosgynybiniams purposes] drąsioji Finland can only nusiirkti powders and briefs. Finn's ammunition requests, we will send beans. They ask for explosives, we are sending tea. They ask the artillery, we will send šluotkočius.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Air Lock In Under Floor Heating
We do not need more language courses. We need courses on how to learn languages.
I hear more and more stories about people who study a certain language for years and never get anywhere. I see the high cost of these courses, whether Wall Street Institute or, as recently in St. Gallen, the Migros courses, I am struck by one evident (to me at least) truth.The most powerful resource in language learning is the learner. Most people can become effective independent language learners. They just need to be shown how.
We do not need more language courses, language labs, language teaching certificate courses, or textbook. We just need to help Learners understand how to learn and take advantage of the language That Surround Them, in the media, on the Internet and elsewhere. From