Some quotes:
on page 43.
Defense Council President [Field Marshal Gustav Manerheimas], a number of years he has repeatedly warned his government that Russia is playing its potential. The commander did not believe that the collective security system has a small country, but every request to improve its national defense bounces into indifference. It will still ask, "What's the benefit to spend the money to the armed forces, where there will be no war?"
p. 50.
The majority of [Finnish] own reservist wearing civilian dress, maybe with a cap badge ar diržo, kad juos galima būtų atpažinti kaip saviškius. Žygiuodavo nerangiai, prastai atlikdavo rikiuotės komandas ir menkai domėjosi galimybe kilti karinės karjeros laiptais. Dažnai rezervistai net į savo karininkus kreipdavosi vardais, ypač mūšio metu, pagarbą atiduodavo tik jausdami draugiškumą ir priklausomai nuo nuotaikos. Tačiau, maršalo akimis, ši kariuomenė vis dar laikėsi vaikiško įsitikinimo, jog nepaisant ginkluotės ir ekipuotės stygiaus, gebės apginti šalį.
52 psl.
The Finnish government was criticized for its naivety, because no one seriously believed that the rise is a big war. In considering the budget, serious debate took place, to put the money - to education and health care or defensive weapons, which most likely would already be obsolete when the time come to use it. 1936 The military has proposed to acquire anti-tank guns, but they would have cost 27 million Finnish markka; vote ended in the negative, and booking that could provide each of the six Finnish army battalion tank guns, were removed.
on page 66.
U.S. Congress has considered the Finnish envoy Prokopis HJ (HJ Procopio) the application for a loan of $ 60 million for defense purposes. While Finland may be regarded as the safest country in the world, bearing in mind that have paid their debt in the First World War, the decision to delsta 1940 In February, he finally accepted $ 30 million loan. However, it is too late to reach Finland.
At that time, U.S. Secretary of State Hull Kordel (Cordell Hull) has announced a dramatic statement: "I am strongly opposes any appropriations shall Preis, because our government will sell military material warring parties, which would be contrary to international justice."
December 10 The U.S. government spent 2.5 million in Finland. Dollars, but only in agricultural development, the civilian population and to help buy food. One congressman after a bitter decision, said: "These restrictions on [the funds could not be naudojamosgynybiniams purposes] drąsioji Finland can only nusiirkti powders and briefs. Finn's ammunition requests, we will send beans. They ask for explosives, we are sending tea. They ask the artillery, we will send šluotkočius.
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