dark side of history: abandoned Palestinian house and Moroccan Jewish revolt Lithuanian government shamefully bowed to pressure from Jewish organizations suspected, the Lithuanian government at the highest echelon hard look at how these organizations to pay compensation for šimtamilijonines XXa. in the first half of the Jewish people lost real estate. Suįžūlėjusių valdžiažmogių nebaugina that in order to pay the compensation would have to adopt an open Nazi law, Jewish rights over iškeliantį other Lithuanian citizens' rights. They are irrelevant to the compensation promised to pay at a time when the citizens of Lithuania, the reduction in pensions, salaries, Lithuanian mothers limited maternity benefits. Impact of living in Lithuania Jewish minority, which will have a reaction to incite anti-Semitism in order, probably at least nužmogėjusiems valdžiažmogiams care. They are the most important - personal cram pockets hypocritical citizens explaining how important it is supposed to please the Jews and Israel.
But what is reality? What is the attitude of the Israeli state property restitution? Sell your attention one of the most interesting Russian-language Israeli bloggers, with the Lithuanian blood
puerrtto article.
warns that the Israeli tourist groups traveling tourists very disappointed at what you read here. The authors accuse the Zionists fierce engagement. But the truth is after all more important than the emotions or not? So: Haifa - the Israeli coastal city of beautiful, elegant terraces rising to the wooded hill of Caramel. It is amazing beaches, and the Baha'i House and the wonderful museums, and from the top of Caramel, opening a wonderful panorama of the western Galilee. However, only a few tourists (and few Israelis themselves) know that Haifa has become a dramatic scene of events whose consequences are still felt even in the Middle East's borders.
Israel shy to speak on two topics: of Palestinian refugees, who supposedly does not exist and that the first 20 years of the State of Israel held a strong opposition among Israelis. However besidomintieji all aspects of the history of Israel should go to the lower area of Haifa called Wadi-POOL. Passing through the lower Haifa, striking a number of derelict buildings apgriuvusių. Adjacent to the abandoned cemetery and still inclined to monuments, brick up windows and ballistic missiles, and check the walls, strange rusty fence with barbed wire and everything crown banal rubbish heap. Get it and Wadi-POOL.
This area appeared within the twentieth century at the beginning of the current Israeli territory ruled by the Turks, and lived exclusively Muslim Arabs. Maronite Christians, lived in the west, Wadi Nisnas-spreading area. Twentieth century Chaifoje lived at the beginning of more than 1,000 Jews, who accounted for only a few percent of the urban population. But as Jewish emigration to Palestine, via Israel's independence, was in Haifa, about 40% of Jews who were 80 000th Another 40% were Muslim Palestinians, and the remaining 20% - Christian Maronite.
Palestinian refugees
author friend of the historian who teaches at one of the largest universities in Israel, the history of the following terms: there is no such people, the Palestinians, and is therefore not correct to say that something they are driven out of Haifa. He added that "they themselves out of the city, without any pressure and without any real violence. Get better later, "almost without violence. "
Walking dead apparently unfriendly 2x1 km in size and neighborhood streets besižvalgant the empty window holes užmūrytas door shrubs grown in flats - insensibly yourself ask the question: what is a disaster here is so rampant? Everything went as follows:
1948, the beginning of the war for Israeli independence, the few Jews who believed in success. Seemed to have very unequal forces, compared with nut puolančiomis Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia's armed forces. While and took military action became more intense. Israeli cities were announced curfew hour, spread panic and confusion. Israel, the Palestinian people firmly believed in his bendratikių victory. And their reasons for dislike of Jewish neighbors, with no shortage of them, because they believe the Jews did not differ from the invaders and colonists. And they have seen enough of these: the Turks, the British and French in Syria and Lebanon.
course, of any "Israeli Palestinians" loyalty to the state of Israel could be in any language. They do not openly knowingly and supported by all available means of Israel's enemies. Israelis, in turn, treated the Palestinians as hostile to the fifth column. You do not need a special insight to understand why the Israeli government was concerned to displace the Palestinians for Israel's borders. Without going into details, suffice to mention that in just a few months of 1948, withdrew from Haifa, 90% resided in Arabic. The figures range from 70 to 100 thousand refugees from Haifa alone. Total Israel withdrew a million Arab refugees. In Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinians fled founded the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization), led by the notorious and Jasiras Arafat, and other, less significant, paramilitary organizations, such as.: PILF (Palestinian Liberation People's Front), also called the & bdquo , Red Eagle ".
abandoned homes and property fate
wander the streets of Wadi-POOL I want to ask Others argue that Palestinian refugees supposedly does not exist and the former inhabitants left peacefully, "Why house walls covered in traces of bullets? Why so absent and did not return, their homes and gave the State of Israel? Why the inexplicable generosity? These issues are an ideal fit for fall out with Jewish friends. In order to make them our enemies continue to be asking similar questions - why in recent years systematically demolished, abandoned neighborhoods and replacing them with housing construction, highways and the entire catchment area of public institutions: court Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prosecutor's Office, etc.?
answer is very simple. Refugees have been. It is a fact. They fled, leaving the panic all of its assets, because he was afraid to get their own destruction. Their fears became even stronger when it became clear that Israel is winning the war in which Israel lived in urban areas, the Palestinians had openly pro-Arabic position. Expel the Palestinians, and contributed to the strategic and demographic assumptions: the outskirts of the fifth column, representing nearly half the population - is guaranteed disaster. Especially when only 50 km of the Arab States of the deployment of regular troops. As the lawyers say: the motive is obvious.
just after the war of independence, Israel has adopted a series of laws that once prevented all Palestinians to return, or at least recover their assets left. In 1954 a law was passed, as predatory and racist - Access Insurance (Chok manijat istanenut). It is prohibited to Palestinians to return, and tests are liable to return to Five years in prison. In other words, if someone is able to and through the mountains and forests to their homes parsigauti Chaifoje - it just could not drive away again, but still it is inserted behind bars. However, bearing in mind that Israel's borders have remained the line of fire, most simply want to get to drop even trying to undermine the bullet to cross the border.
Here and there dead, so the city - so-POOL, with their abandoned homes. True, the house stood empty shortly. Fast, vo years after they started the other Jews keldinti refugees from North African countries, which in turn gelbėjosi of Jewish pogroms, provoked the Israeli-Arab conflict. It is clear that Palestinian refugees can not return to Israel, because that would mean the destruction of Israel. On the other side of the Jews fled Arab countries, also lost everything and lived in tent cities. It could be a pretext to search for mutual understanding and apologize to the Jews and the Arabs need each other for mutual injustices. Here, however, has already received lyrical variation.
back to the happy Moroccan Jews, that's home, which has just been expelled Palestinians. It seems everything is handled, and all meet? Unfortunately, read on.
1959. Once again, the refugees fleeing from the Wadi-POOL
probably already asking: - What, again? Who can flee from there, after all, seems to have expelled all? This time the evil fate of the new hit, Jews in Wadi-POOL population. As has been explained, the Jews settled in the abandoned homes of refugees from North African countries, also known as a generic term Maghreb. However, they had little success from the start. Moroccan Jews very quickly realized that his new homeland, they are only second class people, while the Jews of Europe is the ruling elite. They realized that the essence of their telaukia prospect of cheap labor, but they have to live in damaged Arab homes. That understood, it will close its community eventually resolved the dispute with his.
This is because the immigrants from Europe and its close cultural and personal ties with Israel valdančiaisiais thanks to relatively easy to break through society and the immigrants living in the east remained in hiding. Under these conditions, the social explosion was imminent. The Jews of Moroccan origin were convinced that all their troubles are to blame the Jews from Europe, they are discriminatory in all spheres of life. Gave a passionate The fact that the Jews were settled in the eastern periphery of the (so-POOL - a very vivid example of this!), where he was an unsatisfactory situation of education and lack of work. And the worst living conditions, because the Arab people's stuff in like sardines in a can. Then the head lifted up by extremists. Formed in a semi-criminal social movement 'Black Panther' caused terror of Israel's elite.
Finally had the slight pretext (cop - European hooligans killing marokietį) Jews and Moroccans held something Israel had not yet seen: the most pure pogroms in which hundreds of shops were looted, beaten by passers-by, burning cars and throwing stones on policemen. It was the first intifada, persiritusi throughout Israel. Usually called Intifada Palestinian uprising, but led to the first Jews themselves. Restlessness has been killed and hundreds wounded. These events are just rocked Israel. Suddenly it appeared that not all the problems posed by the Jewish-Arab conflict. It appears that the hostility and division in society is the Jews themselves even more dangerous than external enemies.
Yes it may, the so-called accident POOL reached its population. European-elite controlled the government decided to calm passions and Wadi-POOL poor quickly moved to new districts. A few years time, all the eastern Jews left the hostile area and moved to a new home. The so-POOL again became the city of the Dead. This time forever until the bulldozers nesulygins to land the last Is That Hut. The process is already underway and it is very probable that after 5-7 years of so-POOL will remain just a legend.
Wadi-POOL Why ruin now?
very logical question. Why had to wait 50 years? After all these years in horrific house vešėjo asocial elements. Can be found in the abandoned and drug syringes, and fireplaces, which are different tramps mouth, not in Annex beer and vodka bottles, pieces. In addition - it is almost center of the city - and land in such places are expensive. It would seem, those old houses were demolished. But it nenugriovė. Why?
It turns out that Israel, in order to portray a kind of democratic principles, has allowed property owners to recover, but not later than 50 years of forced retirement. It sounds absurd, after all, the Palestinians do not return, and tests for planting, even behind bars. This is the most pure nonsense. The Palestinians have the right to reclaim property, but rather a lack of va right to return the property to use. If you are not allowed to represent their interests, even by aid. Regarding simplicity, all of which were invented anything but something to bring back. 50-year period has passed quickly and the Palestinians is totally legal in starting the destruction - this is a democracy. Oriental democracy.
Truth for the sake of it should be noted that the vast majority of Christian Arabs were not driven out. They now represent the majority of the population of Haifa Gentile. The city is even nine churches. Israeli city of this size is significant. Maronite Christians, live in Wadi Nisnas, an area about a kilometer away from the so-POOL.