only on those days when you can susiparinti about anything can get all kinds of fun stuff. For example, parboiled cake with cream cheese, chocolate glaze and nuts Sift, but more on that a little later. Honey Miga gave me "Stylish Blogger Award. Cute. Unexpected (100%). Take the hysterical laughter. MIGA good cheer me today, thank you:)

Well, princess crown weight of their responsibilities. Here are the rules:
- Upon receipt of the award issued by the person from whom it received
- Signature 7 things about myself;
- Selects those who pass title;
- They report good news.
7 things about me:
first Dreamer. Prisigalvoju all kinds of winds, nebūtybių. I love fall in love with the people ideas, stupid wishes, and then swim swim swim ... What is the best to go - is bright and colorful dreams. Do nothing, in my imagination - my own LSD fabrikiukas. Sometimes I give liquor without a prescription (not only to readers).
second I like to ride a bicycle. Sometimes it may seem that I am some kind of super-duper cyclist, but what do you - I'm still not even a helmet:) Let at the same point - I do not understand those passions into a fanaticism persismelkusiu work. I do not have bicycle shorts (for me the cushioning pads hateful), no special parts or products - I just ride a bicycle.
third Previously, wrote poems. Neberašau. I am writing this blog for the fifth year if the preceding sudėtume rašinėjimus Internet, which get a seven year ... I have Some scanty creative ambition - neskubinu. If you write, then write. Neparašysiu - so what. Above all - enjoy life, everything else - just accessories, not always necessary and it is more useful. Indeed, we are too serious, more play and kvailiokime - this will take time and it will not ...
4th Sometimes I be a princess. The little tear on Braukianti trivia. Even the awkward glory, that Princess pampering is all sorts of cakes, around them šokinėjama it popinamos and loved. I try not to abuse that, well, anyone not occur. Sometimes I want your lips and blow wayward šnibždėti "blow me blow ...".
5th It is self-love. Seriously. I can sleep in a long time, I washed dishes (a few have managed to root out every evening for failure to maintain a clean kitchen). Still love my body: my hands, feet, heart, mind, that has adopted. I have a suspicion that can not love others, love if not test these on the themselves. All those sweet Princess returns boomerang spoon-fed to those who sacrificed a minute to wet my green eyes. Scientifically proven.
6th I love to read books, people and their lives. I am sensitive to detail. Sometimes regret not think that anything to write down what hits to the head when listening to speakers. They tell so much, but ... themselves do not understand how they pronounce the words of their meanings, then how many sparks can strike fire.
7th That appearing in that I am completely savimyla egoist princess on a bicycle, writing the seventh paragraph as follows: I love my man (you - my best gift, my heaven), I love rabbits, which sometimes suviduriuoja under the bed, I love my job, which I sob for anything, I love my parents, the only brother (you - the land that inspired me), I love friends enemies ... And this time, which I and you are.
Well, Stylish blooger Award as the transition shifts to the crown of my girlfriend Librarian , but this neberašo (sorry), so I give him Eve in Wonderland, because Eve is a magical power to see, what to write, and write so that even the see ... Anyway, everything is much nicer:)
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