Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Make Gumpaste Ballet Slippers

pasmertki (treason)

Zylė aplanko tėvo kapą ir panirsta į priminimus. Armanis prikiša Zylei, kad šis be reik priekaištauja alo paliko Makarą gyvą. Tačiau Zylė yra tikras, kad Makarui bus pareikšti įtarimai. Asta sulaukia savo naujo draugo Romkos. Romka Astai, kad toji pernelyg įjunko į alkoholį. Zylė ir Armanis papuola į pasalą: pasirodo, prie kapinių the two of you watched the mysterious killer on a motorcycle. To this time the bullets were intended for? Cent for the Silver Remi man. It is aimed to find out what the media provides information about unwanted silver and Makarov. Lawrence raises the attack. Who will be his target?

Зиле посетил могилу отца и погрузился в воспоминания. Арманис ясно дал понять Zile that he had nothing left Makara alive. However, Zile exactly sure what causes the death of Makar suspicion. Asta awaits his new friend Romka. Romka rebukes Astu, that it uses too much alcohol. Zile and Armanis accidentally due to see the gardens near the grave of two assassins on motorcycles. Who was the intended bullet in this time? In Vilnius, a man arrives Silvers - remission. His goal to find out who sent unsolicited to Makarasa Silvers and information in the media. Lorensas is в атаку. Кто станет его следующей целью?

1 serija


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